Monday, June 7, 2021

1911 Rides, rides and more rides and a place to eat

 Well dear readers, so much info , so little time.

Continuing delving into my grandfather's journals, I found a list of the many new rides that where put in after the great fire. Most made it into the 1920's ,but a few bit the dust at the end of the Teens.

Our Scenic Railway ,"Vesuvius" a ride practically to hell and back inside the famous Italian volcano. Made from Plaster and lath ,it did not whether the Plancovania weather to well...see what I did there....

Also the near naked statues caused a bit of scandal. One was said to have modeled by Fishington himself. 

As for the Witching Waves it too would scum to better technology and dubious mechanical features. Its "witchcraft" theme caused some tongues to wag, but nothing worse than the Major Generals exploits...

We wont even mention the Incubators exhibit as the "Doctor" had a credibility issue, to put it mildly....  

Another exhibit, was the Diorama of the Peepsburg Flood.  According to various reports the recorded screams unnerved many a fashionable lady and caused several to faint. 

Rumor has it, Professor Marvel lost his lunch during a preview, but that may have involved possibly being inebriated from excess drinks next door at the Absinthe Saloon..

New rides popped up to a new area at Rose Lake called the Boardwalk. Accessible from the hotel and a new bridge across the lake made for a lovey spot.  Rides like the Flying Gondolas,

 Shoot the Chutes ,

and The Tickler appeared. 

A new restaurant to feed the many hungry guests was built called Von Steubens.

A nod to colonial American history serving German foods favored by General Von Steuben himself. A colleague of General Washington, who helped the Colonies win the Revolution. 

Inside, portraits of the founders of Rose Lake grace the walls commissioned by Doctor Fishington himself from his many friends in the Artistic community.

A postcard worthy photo of the Bruin finish this installment for today.


A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Well, dear readers, Wolf the 4th here. Buried under papers and pictures of the grand re-opening weekend of Rose Lake Park circa 1911. Yes, yes, yes, Its practically been a year. I have a real job which takes far too much of my time. 

I do have a few pictures to share with some of my Grandfather's notes scribble on the back. He never cared for reviews, "Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" What? Only then did I realize the MG would quote dialogue from his operettas, claiming it as his own. Most folks were none the wiser. He was really the sly dog...
 I believe this was the opening show at the Swan. Miss Edna Mae Sr's  All American boys Glee Club backing the famous Rose Lake Barbershop Quartet the " Firehouse Four". 
What's that you say? The Major did not open the show himself? What could have prevented that from happening... Possibly this?
 An all new production was being mounted and D'Oyly Carte's Lead patterman was out of commission. The Major sailed to London on the next boat to save the day, well, at least the show, as an understudy was certainly out of the question. He was only to be gone a relatively short time, to return the next Spring. On the maiden voyage of a brand new luxury steam liner called Titanic... 

That tale will be for another time, as I have so many photos to get through.

Now, where was I...
An aerial view of the park from a hired hot air balloon. The note pasted on the back says," The Founders enjoyed a lovely flight high above Rose Lake" and a scribble underneath says, "NO, I DID NOT" ...MG.... 

Ah ,as always, Grandad had to get the last word in...

Here is one of the infamous "Flip the Wig" a new looping coaster. Seems it created more injuries than excitement.
 And why is it called that ,I wondered..
Well, it seems Professor Marvel was hiding something under all those hats.. his lack of hair!
This photo was uncovered in the back room of the original saloon. His signature was on the reverse but, not sure what happen to the lower half.. A question for the ages, I suppose.

Jackalope Two

A better ride than the original, so the first riders raved about in the various newspaper accounts. Contrary to popular belief, no one was paid to say that.. 
At least that's what the court transcripts say from the allegation trial of Bart Tete De Taureau. Why that is included in with all of this stuff, I am not sure. 
A official portrait I found. Not taken by a police or federal agents for a line up...

The Haunted Swing

Another new ride invented and built by Amariah Lake. One of the first in the country.  The illusion of turning upside down was so great, many got ill to their stomachs. Which it seems, the janitorial staff did not appreciate too kindly.