Wednesday, March 25, 2020

But tonight we're gonna party like it's 1899.

Applicant response to our recent job posting was, for lack of a better word, abysmal.  I mean, there was one response, but when I dialed the callback number all I heard was a recording of someone named Rick Astley performing what can only be described as rather creepy and perhaps a bit stalker-esque.  Never going to give you up?  Never going to let you down?  I say, good sir you shall give me up at once! And you have certainly already let me down, before I could but ask even one interview question.

And so we've turned to the local journalism department at Peepsburgh Community College and secured a group of interns that we can torture give mundane tasks to so that the rest of us can put our feet up on our desks do other more important things.   Why the journalism department, you didn't ask?  Well, as it turns out the cellar rats have thoroughly destroyed Volume 2 of the Rose Lake Park Series, 1900-1909.  Our best bet for documenting this decade would be the microfiche archives at The Peepsburgh Gazette, and interns have unlimited access.  Well that, and we don't have to pay them, much like Mabel Mabel.

This would be the decade where the park followed upon the footsteps of it's late century carousel addition with two exciting new rollercoasters and a host of other attractions and amusements, turn of the century style.  Let's see what our aspiring young journalists have uncovered, and then we can collectively vote as a group as to what kind of grade they should receive.

Good stuff, I suppose.  Honestly, I was expecting a little bit more.  I mean, for three interns with access to the entire microfiche catalog of the Peepsburgh Gazette... how hard can it be to operate a microfiche machine?  Perhaps I was expecting too much from a bunch of children barely old enough to wipe their own --  what's that?  Excuse me.

I'm being told that the interns can see what I'm typing.  One moment please...

Now I'm being told that we no longer have any interns.  This is certainly going to reflect poorly on their end of semester appraisal.

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