It is I, the famous and fabulous Julius Pierpont Marvel.
The day was Warm and Sunny.
Well, every day is warm and sunny in Florida. Moving the hat manufacturing business here with its liberal laws was an easy choice. The Villa was quite the showplace and I enjoyed hosting parties and the Men's Olympic Swim Team.
Views of the pool at Sweaty Palms |
The Major was here for a visit just recently. It was not without the usual drama and hysteria that seems to follow him wherever he goes. Do not get me wrong, I adore the fellow and without him, Marvel Hats would not be what it is today. BUT, he is a lot to handle sometimes . How JF does it, I do not know. Their bond is a special one, no doubt about it.
I arranged an Everglades Air Boat ,the "Maid of the Marsh", thinking the MG needed a bit of calm leisurely boat ride. It was neither calm or leisurely. A rather large alligator had beached himself on the bank in distress. He attempted to get our pilot to lasso the poor creature and tow him behind. I vetoed such an act as I am a animal lover of highest degree. One of my many dreams to to open a zoo back in Peepsburgh. Our pilot was a crafty fellow and was able to secure it on the boat, much to the MG's dismay. The fellow was massive, yet a amazing specimen. The Olympic Swim Team helped as best they could. Bravo, Boys. |
The Team helping capture Alfredo the Alligator
I was thinking out loud about how I would love to return him to Rose Lake but, no suitable habitat existed. The MG suddenly lit up like a candle. "Why not build one?" He announced to no one in particular. "Peepsburgh lacks a proper zoo and it would be a boon for Park attendance. " I rolled my eyes skyward "There is no place near the lake big enough for habitats and the terrain is quite hilly", It seemed I was the voice of reason. The MG thought a bit, "What about the farm land over the hill? Its fairly flat and we own it outright. It was going to be a farm retreat for JF and myself ,but good heavens, who wants to spend a weekend with the cows? " As usual the MG was on the mark, I would return home and start to draw up the plans. He would insist on helping ,but his artist skills did not transfer to the page, as they did on stage.
The Olympic Swim Team clowning around |
Returning to Sweaty Palms, luncheon was being served and the Olympic Team was enjoying the repast. Several other local gentleman were in attendance, as house staff was difficult to employ in the summer months. The MG took it as a sign he had to put up a performance ,but I assured him these young lads did not care for operetta. Obviously, now uninterested in luncheon, he retire poolside to pout.
It wasn't long before we all heard a blood curdling scream from pool house. It seems Trevor the star diving campion was changing from his suit into longue wear when the MG walked in on him. I can safety report, that once we retrieved the MG from the roof ,all was well. The MG is deathly afraid of snakes and though he had seen a whooper. In truth, it was a whopper but not of the reptile kind. I was able to convince Trevor that it was gods gift and not an embarrassment. We became close friends after that.
Trevor by the pool |
I soon would return to Rose Lake to begin construction on the zoo . Trevor would now be my personnel assistant after medaling in several Olympic events. His modeling career had not yet taken off, as he was reluctant to do what it took to do so. I assured him, I would not hold it against him. I would always ask first.
So a trip back to Rose Lake seemed to be in the cards. Trevor would accompany me and I would meet our newest benefactor Sir Reginald Downtownton. The Major had assured me he was a, "right proper gentleman from a distinguished family". I did not know what to make of that, as the MG seemed to know many right proper gentlemen. On the train, I did find an article of the Downtownton's arrival in America, complete with photos of his wife, who I felt could use a Marvel Hat, as hers seemed outdated and a bit dowdy.
We arrived in Peepsburg, and settled in at my residence, Mad Hatter Hill. The Major had seethed for a moment when hearing the name, worrying the prestige of Society Hill would some how be degraded. I assured him it would not. I was never wrong, at least in this case. It was much more modest than his ,but a larger home would require much more matinence than I was willing to invest in.
Mad Hatter Hill |
Trevor was amused by the eccentric art collection which was vastly different than he had seen in Florida. He asked if the portrait over the fireplace was a good likeness.. I told him that others had suffered lengthy punishment for suggesting such things. He was not at all fazed by this. His playful smirk I suspect, was an indication of an interesting evening ahead. The next morning, I left Trevor to sleep in, as I was an early riser and insomniac, to make my way to the park. I left instructions with the staff to feed him hearty breakfast and send him to the park with the preliminary plans for the Zoo. I parked at the hotel as the Park was not open and hoping to meet this Downtownton fellow. As luck would have it, they appeared on the Veranda. Now would be a good time as any to introduce myself. I decided right then, I would gift her ladyship a new chapeau. Was it possible whatever that was she was wearing had died up there?
Lady Leigh's Hat
I shuddered at the thought.
"Welcome to Rose Lake Sir Reginald and Lady Leigh. How nice to have you here. How was your Voyage?" The blank stares that greeted me, made me only slightly amused. "Dr Fishington, I presume?" I smiled, "NOT at all" I bowed , because isnt that what your supposed to do when meeting foreigners? "I am JP Marvel, Millinery Master and co founder of Rose Lake" Her Ladyships eyes lit up. Just the reaction I wanted. "Oh my goodness ,I have heard of your creations abroad. Do you have a shop here?" I nodded. "I would be most honored to have her Ladyship in my humble establishment. I suspect there is the perfect hat for her discerning taste" Sir Reggie seemed annoyed. "We are NOT here to shop for trifles ,my dear. This is business" I winked at her ladyship, as Downtownton blustered down the stairs. "Where might you be meeting Dr. Fishington? " I inquired? "He was supposed to meet us here" Downtownton grew angrier by the minute. His accent was very interesting and I was about to inquire what part of Australia they were from. Sydney? Melbourne , Alice Springs? I had only read about such far off places and the feathers of the Cassowary, the Gang -Gang Cockatoo and the Lyrebird.
Cockatoo |
Just then a valet appeared at the hotel door. "There's been a bit of confusion and Dr Fishington would like you to meet him at the Gate, its just a short walk...." Sir Reggie's face turned a lovely shade of crimson. " MY GOOD SIR, THE DOWNTOWNTONS DO NOT WALK ANYWHERE!"
I jumped to the rescue, "Sir, I have my motor car right here. I would be more than happy to drive you there". He was taken a bit aback , but when I showed him, the Bearcat....YES, I had borrowed the Major's car that morning, unbeknownst to him. There would be hell to pay ,if he found out, but he was a notoriously late riser and wouldn't get out of bed before noon. I had lots of time.. Besides, he was driving his new Duesenberg as of late. The Major loves his Big Boy toys.
The Major Generals Duesenberg |
Her Ladyship giggled again, as the Sir Reggie admired its classic lines and pristine condition. " its an older model but I like it", I remarked casually. I hope he would not ask specifics, as I had no clue about them... Lets get you to the gate ,Doc Fishington, must have a very good reason for the misstep. I had no clue what was going on, but that never stopped me before....We arrive post haste at the gate to a grinning Dr. He sometimes could be as mischievous and the Major himself . They were a pair ,alright.
I jumped from the car and hugged him. Much to his dismay, I might add. "JP ,what are YOU doing here and with the Downtowntons?" He whispered. "I will fill the gaps in later , let me introduce his Lord and Ladyship. All the way from Down Under.". Fishington shot a strange look at me and Downtownton shook his head. "Idiot Colonists" he muttered.
Well, these Australians are certainly a funny bunch.