Friday, April 10, 2020

A Most Magnificent Millinerist

At long last today is the day that all 8 of you, or perhaps none of you, have been waiting for.  I sent Bob on an errand into town to find me a new corkscrew (and I'm hoping it's one of those newfangled electronic ones, I'm quite sure we have money in the budget for that.  And if not I think we can use one of Mabel Mabel's Gofundme accounts as we never did get around to getting her that birthday cake or paying for her hospital bills.)

But it really wasn't about the corkscrew at all, I just needed to get Bob out of the way so that I could finally post some scans pertaining to legendary Professor JP Marvel, who as they say popped out of the womb and before the midwife could slap his ass, he promptly slapped her first and then proceeded to criticize her choice in headwear.  

Bob likes to call my interest in Professor Marvel as "an unhealthy obsession bordering on deeply psychotic behavior," however I prefer to refer to it as "great minds thinking alike."  The professor and I both seem to share a desire for beauty in all shapes in sizes, and all corners of the world.  Starting with one's own head.

Worth noting that many of the items used in the construction of Marvel's creations were bore of necessity, as he was a master of using the limited resources about him at Rose Lake to incorporate them into his fantastic hattery.

A couple of those pages came from my Professor Marvel's 1902 Catalog, which Mabel Mabel herself showed up with just the other day.  (She looks good, and has even lost some noticeable weight, can't be an ounce over 60 lbs.)  She apologized for removing the catalog from the archive, as apparently her new "beau" as she calls him does enjoy it when she re-creates the fashions and dances about the room singing "Zou Zou Bisou" and at this point I interrupted her and changed the subject.

TMI, Mabel.  TMI.


  1. A deep-felt thanks for interrupting Mabel Mabel before she got any further into that story.

    I like the new look of the blog. :-)
    (spellcheck doesn't like the second 'Mabel')

  2. I'm not fond of the 2nd Mabel either, I'm tired of typing it and I don't know what her parents were thinking.
