Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Rose Lake and it's citizens weren't always just on the front page of the paper.

And what's life without SPORTS?  Whether it's that sportsball you try to kick or the one you try to throw more than six feet, they all involve sweaty menfolk at some point...either before, during or after the game! 

Maj-Gen Stanley Wolf always took time to take a stroll through the locker rooms of his teams...and he didn't own nor coach any of them, but he was a avid fan of sportsballs of any type.  If there were balls involved Wolf would sure to be there...unless he was in the middle of a performance of course, the man DID have priorities you know! 

Prof. JP Marvel was often also seen in the locker rooms as he designed the teams headgear....although why that required measuring inseams was always a mystery... 

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