No, the title of this entry is not a reference to Professor Marvel and his peculiar penchant for pie. I do hope that as we move along with this story we learn that he eventually kicked that disgusting habit and slimmed down to the svelte build we saw earlier, but obviously that would require me to skip ahead in the research and I have no intentions of doing so.
Speaking of pie, Bob had the great idea of painting the main level of the Historical Society in a color that he felt was quite symbolic for the area in which we live, "Boobieberry Burgundy." It's really more of a purple than a burgundy, but not really a shade of purple I can say as I've ever seen before... in fact it's somewhat nauseating. Between that and the paint fumes, I really haven't felt well enough to enter the premises for the last few days so Bob has volunteered to start writing some of these entries based on his most recent perusals of Mabel Mabel's briefs. I'd like to make a naughty joke there but the headache from these paint fumes has rendered me quite humorless.
"But what was your excuse before we started painting?" asked Bob. "Pfft," said me.
A great event is to take place! The famous Professor Baldwin is visiting Rose Lake Park and will not only rise to record-breaking heights in his balloon, but he will then plummet to Earth with a parachute (and hopefully remember to open it on the way down...)
There's even a popular song written about the daring Baldwin!
As part of the festivities Rose Lake Park's Prof. Jason Fishington and Major-General Stanley Wolf recreate their historic aerial exploration and discovery of Rose Lake (they actually discovered an unnamed lake with seasonal fishing cabins and cheap real estate prices, but that's besides the point - they DID name the lake...) In the photo Prof. Fishington steers the balloon while the Major General clings to the sides of the basket, desperately looking for an open area where he can be sick without coating the spectators below. He failed to do so...
At the photography studio on the Midway one could pose in a stationary basket and appear to be flying high above the clouds just like Fishington and Wolf. For only $1.00 your handsome 8X10 black and white portrait will be available for pickup in two weeks, framing extra. What a splendid souvenir! Show all your friends, family and co-workers what a daredevil you really are!
If even the thought of posing in a stationary balloon basket on Terra Firma makes your nose bleed, then be sure to view the Amazing Miss Nellie DeVaughn, "The Flexible Marvel", assisted by La Petite fairy, who does something or other while all eyes are focused on how many toes Miss Nellie can cram into her mouth with her foot over her shoulder...maybe she's there to keep the kids quiet or to pick pockets, I'm not really sure, but I heard Maj-Gen Wolf asking is he could borrow her Fairy costume later...his was in the wash.
Rather seems that Bob had a little fun with this write-up, even going so far as to make it sound like he was actually there when these photos were taken. He claimed that all of the text was found in accompanying documents with the photos, but honestly I think he's been googling for period-appropriate photos on the internet and then making everything up. It almost makes me wonder if he's been doing this all along?
I suppose I could sit at the computer and fact-check but honestly all of this talk about "burgundy" has made me thirsty. Now where did I leave that corkscrew?
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