Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ashes to ashes.

Strange that there were more pictures of the actual fire than of the aftermath, but we did find a couple.

Obviously the great fire of 1910 was not the end of the Rose Lake Park story, by far.  On one hand, how could the park still be standing today?   And on the other hand, why would I have wasted the last 5 months of my life documenting something that went up in smoke 110 years ago?  Remarkably, photos show that the park grew more between the years of 1910 and 1919 than in the two decades prior, combined.   While each of the founders have been demonstrated to have amassed significant wealth in their young careers, this particular article is noteworthy for possibly explaining such a quick recovery.

Looking back into our file on Bartholomew Tete de Taureau, none of this is surprising.  Although now we must wonder the degree to which co-founders Jason Fishington and Stanley Wolf were involved in the nefarious dealings of Taureau's seedy mafia undertakings.  Further, what else were these men willing to do to create their little lakeside empire as the years went on?   Were the other co-founders involved as well?  I mean, one of them even looks like a bear.

And certainly beloved Professor JP Marvel knew nothing of any of this, what between designing his hats, eating Edna Mae Jr's delicious pies, and "excercising" regularly in the cloak room of the Grand Cocotier, how could he have found the time?

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